Vakamalla Anantha Reddy
Sarpanch, Nagisettipalle, Brahmamgarimattam, YSR District, Mydukur, Andhra Pradesh, YSRCP
Vakamalla Anantha Reddy is an Indian Politician of YSRCP and the current Sarpanch of Nagisettipalle in the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh.
Early Life and Education:
Anantha Reddy was born on the 1st of January 1974, to the couple of Mr.Obul Reddy, and Mrs.Lakshmamma who resided in the village Nagisettipalle.
Anantha Reddy acquired his Secondary Board of Education up to 8th class from RCM school located at Bradvel.
Early Career In Profession :
Vakamalla Anantha Reddy started his profession at an early age as a Building contractor and ever since he started, he simultaneously handled his family responsibilities.
Early Career in Politics :
Vakamalla Anantha Reddy has had a sense of service since childhood and intends to be able to do all services to the people politically.
In the year 2019, Anantha Reddy joined YSRCP (Yuvajana Shramika Rythu Congress Party )headed by Y. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, and serves as the state’s chief minister.
Anantha Reddy expresses keen interest and performs every activity as an Active Leader by discharging his duties with a code of conduct and for the respective party’s recognition.
He ramped up his service and effort by accepting the position of Sarpanch from YSRCP in 2019, to provide care for the people and the difficulties they face, and he worked in that capacity.
After receiving the authority and performing every activity as his responsibility for the welfare of the people, and continues his service, thinking for the welfare of the people and dealing with the activities for the development of Society.
Village Developmental Activities-
- Anantha Reddy participated in village development activities like paving CC roads, digging borewells, erecting street lights, clearing drainage systems, and resolving water problems.
- Due to a lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the needs of water usage, a shortage of water occurs, affecting people’s well-being and leading to hunger, disease, and poverty.
- Based on this aspect, Anantha Reddy arranged Water Tanks in the nearby villages and reduced the water scarcity in the village.
- He fought and solved the issues like pensions, Ration cards, Health cards, and also the issues relating to Aadhar cards.
Party Activities:
- During Elections, he actively participates in the Door-to-Door election campaign and worked hard to bring more voters to win the party in his locality.
- Anantha Reddy conveyed and explained to the people the greatness of the party, and the symbol, and ideology of the YSRCP Party to the party leaders.
- He was actively involved in various social service activities and worked hard to take various schemes like Gadapa Gadapa, Navaratnalu, Arogyasri, and Ammavodi into public and assisted them to get the benefit.
- He was briefing the people on the welfare schemes introduced by the government for the upliftment of the backward classes through a mobilization Program.
Social Activities:
- Many social and welfare activities have been performed for the needy and poor with a Motto to serve the People.
- As a combination of every service activity that benefits the poor and needy, He created a great platform for many orphans to begin their lives for their bright future by joining them in Schools and also helping in joining the teachers in the school.
- He expanded his efforts by supporting poor individuals who have been badly affected by the assassination of their families and by providing a set sum for the well-being of death-stricken families.
- Conducted many party meetings and development activities for community development. He stood up for the poor and ensured the development of welfare.
- By notifying the issues in the village, he solved many issues related to houses by issuing the house documents to the village people.
Pandemic Activities:
- During Corona’s first and second waves, Vakamalla Anantha Reddy offered financial and humanitarian assistance to people impacted by the lockdown.
- Vakamalla Anantha Reddy acted humanely during the crisis, assisting individuals in distress and providing additional assistance to those afflicted by the lockdown.
- Vakamalla Anantha Reddysnuck toward helping those who had been devastated by the lockdown by distributing veggies and fruits to communities, and the homeless.
- Throughout the crisis, he responded selflessly, supporting those in need and offering special attention to those who had been afflicted by the lockdown. Face masks, hand sanitizers, and lunches were handed to the least fortunate, as well as cash assistance.
- For the public’s protection, sodium hypochlorite solution was sprayed all around the village as part of the effort to eliminate the corona outbreak.
BioData of Vakamalla Anantha Reddy

Name : Vakamalla Anantha Reddy
DOB: 01-01-1974
Father: Mr.Vakamalla Obul Reddy
Mother: Mrs. Vakamalla Lakshmamma
Present Designation : Sarpanch
Education Qualification: 8th class
Profession: Building contractor & Politician
Permanent Address: H.no :1-4, Landmark: Opposite Ramalayam Temple, Post Office: Peddirajupalli, Village: Nagisettipalle, Mandal: Brahmamgarimattam, District: Y S R district, Constituency: Mydukur, State: Andhra Pradesh, Pincode: 516502
Contact No: 9440561171
“Leaders aren’t born, they are made by hard effort, which is the price of all of us must pay to achieve any the goal is worthwhile”
Recent Activities
Party Activities

Took Part in Independence Day Celebrations

Newspaper Clippings & Pamphlets

Born in Nagisettipalle
Studied up to 8th class
From RCM school, Badvel.
Joined in the YSRCP
Party Activist