Soniya Appalaswamy | Constituency Coordinating Committee Member | the Leaders Page

Soniya Appalaswamy

Constituency Coordinating Committee Member, Rudakota, Peda Bayalu, Araku Valley, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, Janasena


Soniya Appalaswamy is an Indian Politician and Constituency Coordinating Committee Member of Araku Valley, Visakhapatnam district. Appalaswamy was born on 20th June 1989 to the couple Arjuna and Sodhamma in Rudakota village.

Education Background:

In 2005, Appalaswamy earned his Board of Secondary Education at CH high school located at Muthyangiput. He completed his Intermediate at Govt junior college, Muthyangiput. In 2011, Appalaswamy graduated with a Degree from a Government degree college, which resided at Paderu.

Political Career of Appalaswamy:

Appalaswamy is passionate about Social Service and is always eager to contribute to the country’s progress. His desire to help people led him to pursue a career in politics. In 2014, He was officially entered into Active Politics and started his Political Journey as a Member of the Janasena Party.

About the Party:

Jana Sena Party(JSP) is an Indian regional political party based in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, India. It was founded by Tollywood actor and politician Pawan Kalyan on 14 March 2014. Jana Sena means “People’s Army”. The motto of the party is “fight for the rights of each and every common person”.

The main goal of JanaSena is to question any type of corruption in government functioning and organizations and to protect the basic rights of the people.

JSP Ideologies:

→ Social consciousness without caste
→ Politics without religious discrimination
→ Reverence for linguistic diversity
→ Protection of our traditions and culture
→ Nationalism without neglecting regional aspirations
→ Relentless fight against corruption
→ The progress that preserves the environment

Appalaswamy becomes the Active Leader of Janasena. He follows Janasena Party principles and ideologies. He took part in all Movements and Dharnas for the welfare of the party. He enthusiastically engaged in the party’s activities by contributing to every event as soon as he entered the party and established a mark for himself within a short period of time. He was chosen by the party authorities as a Party Activist in recognition of his continuous work and pure dedication.

He is making strides towards his aim of fulfilling his desire. He always takes the lead in resolving issues like village problems, students, farmer’s issues, etc.

Later on, Appalaswamy was appointed and took charge as Constituency Coordinating Committee Member of Araku Valley, Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh state. Upon being appointed as a member of the Coordinating Committee, Appalaswamy promised to carry out his duties effectively and adhere to the party’s principles.

Appalaswamy being Social Activist:

  • Appalaswamy is always one step ahead even in serving as a Social Worker.
  • During his reign, many development activities have been implemented such as laying roads, setting up water tanks, clearance of drainage issues, power supply, etc.
  • He promoted welfare development and stood up for the underprivileged. He consistently raises his hand to help the needy.
  • Appalaswamy has been organizing Alluri Sitaramaraju birth and death anniversaries and provides fruits, and food to the poor every year.
  • Under GO No.3, Appalaswamy and Janasena leaders organized Dharnas and Rastarokos to address the water shortages in Rudakota village.
  • Participated in Environment Protection programs such as Clean and Green, and Swachh Bharath, and keeps surroundings clean.
  • He distributed food, and fruits to the poor, and pregnant ladies shows special care for them.
  • Appalaswamy focused special interest on Education. He conducted awareness programs on Education and said what a crucial place it creates in every human being’s life.
  • He staged dharnas, and rallies on the immediate release of fee reimbursement and scholarships.
  • Appalaswamy offered financial assistance to the needy people in the village and also contributed a specific amount to merit students for their further education with the purpose that no student should be illiterate due to a lack of money.

Service During the Pandemic Covid-19:

-Pandemic hit the people’s lives very badly. Ordinary people could not survive during the Covid crisis

-As a responsible leader Appalaswamy gave his contribution even during the covid time.

-During the Pandemic Period, he distributed fruits, food packets, and water bottles to the road siders and also distributed blankets to them.

-He provided food and rice bags to the migrants and also contributed to them financially. Provided Annadhanam program to the Police, Municipal, and front-line workers who served a lot during the corona crisis.

-Conducted awareness programs on the maintenance of Physical distance and following precautionary measures to prevent the epidemic in Corona.

-He financially helped covid victims by providing vitamin tablets, masks, Sanitizers, and fruits.

-Appalaswamy put his effort to serve people even during the covid second wave. He distributed vegetables and fruits to the village people and needy people.

-Awareness camps and seminars were organized on the Covid-19 vaccine and the effects of the virus.

-The area infected with the coronavirus has been declared a red zone and people have been given proper precautions and instructions.

-Delivered food, and supplements for the covid victims by home delivery.


H-No: 1-66, Near Police Station, Rudakota Post, Village: Rudakota, Mandal: Peda Bayalu, Constituency: Araku Valley, District: Visakhapatnam, State: Andhra Pradesh, Zipcode: 531040

Mobile: 8985903909
Email: [email protected]

Recent Activities

సమన్వయ కమిటీ సభ్యుడు గా నియామకం

అరకు నియోజకవర్గ సమన్వయ కమిటీ సభ్యుడు గా నియామకం అందుకుంటున్న అప్పలస్వామి గారు

పార్టీ లీడర్స్ తో సమావేశమైన అప్పలస్వామి గారు


విద్యార్థుల సమస్యల ను తెలుసుకోవడం లో భాగంగా విద్యార్థులతో మాట్లాడుతున్న అప్పలస్వామి గారు మరియు పార్టీ సభ్యులు

పార్టీ లీడర్ తో

పార్టీ సీనియర్ లీడర్ తో నియోజకవర్గ సమన్వయ కమిటీ సభ్యుడు అప్పలస్వామి గారు

Party Activities


20th June 1989

Born in Rudakota village


Completed SSC

at CH high school located at Muthyangiput



at Govt junior college, Muthyangiput



from Government Degree College, Paderu


Political Entry

through the Janasena Party


Party Activist

of the Janasena Party


Constituency Coordinating Committee Member

 of Araku Valley, Visakhapatnam district