Siddu Janasena
Village President , Abbanagudavalli Village, Vemuru Mandal, Bapatla District, Andhra Pradesh, JSP
Siddu Janasena is an Indian politician of JSP and Village President in the Abbanagudavalli Village, Vemuru Mandal, bapatla District in the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh.
Early Life And Education:
On the 13th of September 2000, Siddu Janasena was born to the couple Mr.Kondishetty Venkateshwararao and Mrs. Kondishetty Krishna Kumari resided in Vemuru, Tenali, in the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh.
In the year 2013, Siddu Janasena acquired his Secondary Board of Education from Siddartha High School located at gatiprawdam and completed his Priyadharshini ITI located at Tenali in the year 2017.
Professional Career:
Siddu Janasena began his Professional Career and started working as a Farmer and ever since he started the profession he simulteneously handled his family responsibilities.
Early Career In Politics:
Siddu Janasena was drawn into politics at a very young age through the Janasena Party(JSP) in 2018, as he was highly inspired by the party founder and the Tollywood Actor Pawan Kaylan’s sense of service and a passion for serving the people.
As a part of JSP, Siddu Janasena expresses keen interest and performs every activity as a Party Activist by discharging his duties with a code of conduct and recognizing the respective party.
Upon Joining, he was designated as the Village President of Rajanagaram from JSP, to serve the people and tackle the issues raised by executing his tasks effectively and adhering to the party’s policies and guidelines.
He has served conscientiously for the prosperity of the people from the party’s inception to the present day, consistently aspiring for the party’s and society’s advancement, and performing desperate service to society and for the goodness of the people.
Party Activities:
- Siddu put up a bench so that the party flag could be raised.
- He briefed the youth on the development programs being carried out by the JanaSena Party and encouraged the youth to join the party by informing them that the JanaSena Party has decided to do zero-budget politics.
- JanaSena Party campaigned for the party symbol Glass to be re-launched at the field level and to make the party symbol known to the people.
- During elections, He played an active role in the Door-to-Door election campaign and worked very hard on being a helping hand for the party by proposing more votes to the JSP.
- Unfortunately, people injured in an accident are assisted financially by the funds of JanaSena party workers to support them.
- He Participated very enthusiastically during the election and briefly explained the rules of the party to every single voter, Pandu Thiragati worked hard for the victory of the party.
- Siddu Janasena is actively involved in the programs organized by the JSP. He conveyed and explained to the people the greatness of the Party all over the constituency.
Social Activities:
- Siddu Janasena is not limited to his services to the village but also extends to the people of the entire district.
- During the first and second waves of Corona, Durga Prasad offered financial and humanitarian assistance to people who were impacted by the lockdown.
- Siddu Janasena and his fellow members distributed Vegetables and food to the poor and needy people in the Village and quarantined people as well by following certain precautions.
- Food item packets for Vehicle drivers and migrant laborers were distributed whose livelihood has been affected during this lockdown period.
- For the public’s protection, sodium hypochlorite solution was sprayed all around the village as part of the effort to eliminate the corona outbreak.
Pandemic Activities:
- He also provides Medical Camps and distributes free medicines to the poor people in their villages.
- During the first and second waves of Corona, Rama Krishna offered financial and humanitarian assistance to people who were impacted by the lockdown.
- Siddu Janasena acted humanely during the crisis, assisting individuals in distress and providing additional assistance to those afflicted by the lockdown.
- During the crisis, Durga Prasad responded generously, aiding those in need and giving special support to those impacted by the lockdown.
- He offered masks, sanitizers, and meals to the underprivileged, as well as financial assistance.
- For the public’s protection, sodium hypochlorite solution was sprayed all around the village as part of the effort to eliminate the corona outbreak.
H.No: 2-12, Village: Abbanagudavalli, Mandal: Vemuru, District: Bapatla, Constituency: Vemuru, State: Andhra Pradesh, Zipcode: 522262.
Email: [email protected]
Mobile No: 6305971967.
Bio-Data Of Mr. Siddu Janasena

Name: Siddu Janasena
DOB: 13-09-2000
Father: Mr. Kondishetty Venkateshwararao
Mother: Mrs. Kondishetty Krishna Kumari
Present Designation: Village President
Education Qualification: ITI
Permanent Address: Abbanagudavalli Village, Vemuru Mandal, Bapatla District, Andhra Pradesh
Contact No: 6305971967.
“A True leader’s Courage to fulfill his vision comes from Passion, Not from Position.”
Recent Activities
Party Activities

News Paper Clippings & Pamphlets

Born in Vemuru
Bapatla District
Studied Schooling
Siddartha High School, Gatiprawdam
Priyadharshini ITI College Tenali.
Join in JSP
Party Activist
of JSP
Village President