P Abbas Khan Nallamada | Hindupur Parliament Minority Vice President | the Leaders Page

P Abbas Khan Nallamada

Hindupur Parliament Minority Vice President, Nallamada, Sri Sathya Sai District, Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, TDP.


P Abbas Khan Nallamada is an Indian Politician of TDP and Hindupur Parliament Minority Vice President of Nallamada, Sri Sathya Sai District, Puttaparthi in the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh.

Early Life and Education:

On 08th July 1969, P Abbas Khan Nallamada was born to the couple of Mr: Patan Mohammad Khan(Late) and Mrs: Patan Jamalabi resided in the village of Nallamada in Sri Sathya Sai District.

In the year 1987, P Abbas Khan acquired his Secondary Board of Education from Zilla Parishad High School at Nallamada, Sri Sathya Sai District.

A career in Politics:

In the year 1983, P Abbas Khan began his political career by joining the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and continued rendering services to the people as an Active Member of TDP.

P Abbas Khan was a sincere TDP Party Activist right from his joining and propagating its principles from the beginning. He has been deeply attracted by the policies and ideals of the party and the vision of our great leader former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and was immensely inspired by the unique schemes introduced by the Nara Chandra Babu Naidu.

Upon Joining, he was designated as the District Minority Cell Leader of Anantapur from TDP in 2004, to serve the people and tackle the issues raised by executing his tasks effectively and adhering to the party’s policies and guidelines.

P Abbas Khan was credited for having successfully carried out the responsibility of being Hindupur Parliament Minority Vice President in Puttaparthi in the year 2022. His continuous effort and hard work promoted him as Minority Leader and he currently serving in the position.

Ever since he started rendering services to the people with the assigned authority, he has been constantly working for them, thinking about their welfare, and gaining immense admiration from the People.

Activities Performed Recently:

Abbas Khan tried to get the government to provide loans to minority People.

To order to better serve the people of their community, Abbas Khan constructed six majids.

In Puttaparthi, Abbas Khan fought for the rights of the local farmers.

During the time of the Covid, Abbas Khan established a system of transportation that moved less fortunate people from one village to another.

Fruits and other foods were brought into the hospital and distributed to the patients and staff there.

During the time of the Covid, Abbas Khan was the one who offered the protective mask and sanitizers to the public.

Party Activities:

  • P Abbas Khan has been struggling hard for the rights and reservations of the Singareni People to grant them loans, pensions, and other schemes that benefit their lives.
  • He has been constantly fighting against anti-people decisions of the central and state governments and has staged many protests and dharnas.
  • P Abbas Khan expressed that the effort would be possible only with the TDP party for the development of Dalits, minorities, the poor, and the minorities in society.
  • An awareness seminar was organized on behalf of the party in the village and in the zone to brief the people on the Chandranna welfare schemes and pamphlets were distributed to give them brief information.

Social Activities:

  • During his reign, roads were constructed as part of the colony’s socio-economic development, and damaged roads were repaired as part of the program.
  • Whenever political leaders’ birthdays are celebrated, P Abbas Khan takes the opportunity to commemorate the event by arranging a blood donation camp and conducting an Annadanam event in his hometown.
  • P Abbas Khan is fighting with the government to offer suitable jobs to the jobless, who are concerned about finding a good job even after graduating from college or university.

Pandemic Activities:

  • During the first and second waves of Corona, he offered financial and humanitarian assistance to people impacted by the lockdown. During the crisis, and responded with compassion, assisting those in need and extending further support to those who had been victimized by the lockdown.
  • Throughout the crisis, he responded selflessly, supporting those in need and offering special attention to those who had been afflicted by the lockdown. Face masks, hand sanitizers, and lunches were handed to the least fortunate, as well as cash assistance.
  • P Abbas Khan snuck toward helping those who had been devastated by the lockdown by distributing veggies and fruits to communities, the homeless, and Municipality workers according to the standard protocol.
  • When the coronavirus was ultimately eradicated, villagers were sprayed with sodium hypochlorite solution to guarantee that they were not exposed to any negative consequences.
  • The Covid Immunization Drive was conducted in response to Prime Minister Modi’s call to raise public awareness about the need of receiving a free corona immunization.

H.No: 2-148, Landmark: Near Police Station, Village & Mandal: Nallamada, District: Sri Sathya Sai District, Constituency: Puttaparthi, State: Andhra Pradesh, Zipcode: 515501.

Email: [email protected]

Mobile No: 9908632288, 9398731658.

Bio-Data Of P Abbas Khan Nallamada

P Abbas Khan Nallamada | Hindupur Parliament Minority Vice President | the Leaders Page

Name: P Abbas Khan Nallamada

DOB: 08-07-1969

Father: Mr. Patan Mohammad Khan(Late)

Mother: Mrs. Patan Jamalabi 

Present Designation: Hindupur Parliament Minority Vice President

Education Qualification: SSC Standard

Permanent Address: Nallamada, Sri Sathya Sai District, Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh

Contact No: 9908632288, 9398731658.



“Leadership is difficult to define, and excellent leadership is much more difficult to Execute. “

P Abbas Khan Nallamada

Assembly Minority President

Recent Activities


హిందూపూర్ పార్లమెంట్ మైనార్టీ ఉపాధ్యక్షుడు నల్లమాడ మండల్ పుట్టపర్తి నియోజకవర్గం అయినా అబ్బాస్ ఖాన్ గారిని పూలమాలతో సన్మానం చేసిన డాక్టర్ శ్రీ. పల్లె రఘునాధ్ రెడ్డి గారికి కృతజ్ఞతలు తెలియజేసిన సందర్భంలో.

రక్త దానం

అన్ని ధనంలో కన్నా రక్త దానం మిన్న అనే నానుడిని అనుసరిస్తూ ప్రతి సంవత్సరం గ్రామంలో నిర్వహించే రక్త దాన శిబిరంలో పాల్గొని రక్త దానం చేసిన అబ్బాస్ ఖాన్ గారు.

కలిసిన సందర్భంలో

టిడిపి పార్టీకి నాయకత్వం వహిస్తున్నా ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ మాజీ ముఖ్యమంత్రి నారా . చంద్రబాబు నాయుడు గారిని మర్యాదపూర్వకంగా కలవడం జరిగింది.

కలిసిన సందర్భంలో

హిందూపూర్ పార్లమెంట్ మైనార్టీ ఉపాధ్యక్షుడు నల్లమాడ మండల్ పుట్టపర్తి నియోజకవర్గం అయినా అబ్బాస్ ఖాన్ గారు డాక్టర్ శ్రీ. పల్లె రఘునాధ్ రెడ్డి గారిని కలిసిన సందర్భంలో.

హరిత హారం కార్యక్రమంలో

మనం మరణించాక కూడా మనం నాటిన మొక్కలు సజీవంగా ఉంటాయి అని హరిత హారం కార్యక్రమంలో భాగంగా గ్రామంలో మొక్కలను నాటడం జరిగింది.


ఎన్నికల ప్రచారంలో భాగంగా పార్టీ అభ్యున్నతి కోసం మరియు పార్టీ అభ్యర్థిని అత్యంత మెజారిటీతో గెలిపించడం కొరకు గ్రామంలో ర్యాలీ నిర్వహించి పార్టీ యొక్క నియమాలను వివరించడం జరిగింది.

Party Activities

 Abbas Khan With Tollywood Actors

News Paper Clippings


Born in Nallamada

Sri Sathya Sai District, Puttaparthi


Studied SSc Standard

From Zilla Parishad High School at Nallamada, Sri Sathya Sai District.


Joined in TDP


Party Activist

of TDP


District Miniority Cell Leader

of Sri Sathya Sai District

2022-Till Now

Hindupur Parliament Minority Vice President