Next Generation Save Organization
Nadendla, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Next Generation Save Organization(NGS) is a Non-Profit Organization that helps economically Poor and disadvantaged children in the District of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.
Nagandla Shiva Ramakrishna is the Social Activist and Founder&Chairman of the Next Generation Save Organization in Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh.
On the 01st of July 1976, Ramakrishna was born to the couple Mr Nagandla Venkateshwarlu and Mrs Nagandla Rattamma at Nadendla of Guntur District in the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh.
In 1997, He obtained his Secondary Board of Education from Zilla Parishad High School located at Nadendla, Guntur and completed his Intermediate course from T.R Junior College at Ganapavaram in 1999.
Beginning at a young age, Shiva Ramakrishna had a passion for working in public service. Shiva Ramakrishna has been accustomed to service since childhood. He also conducted many service programs while continuing his studies.
Shiva Ramakrishna is a staunch believer that every individual should engage in social work that builds a sense of patriotism in their souls. One should constantly try to influence people around them by emphasizing that one is indebted to society.
As a Social Activist, he has participated in various welfare and development initiatives and public awareness programs for the betterment of society’s people.
Next Generation Save Organization
Founded to support the uplift, growth and progress of underprivileged people, It was under the Chairmanship of Mr Shiva Ramakrishna that a youth organisation called ” Next Generation Save Organization” was started in 2015 at Guntur in Andhra Pradesh.
NGS Organization was established in 2015 under the Regd No: 95/2015 with an intention to provide nutritional care to the people who has deficiency in Nutrition, Health, Education and Sports to the children, Medical camps, Eye Checkup Camps and Community Health Services to the Guntur District People.
Mr Shiva Ramakrishna, through his Association, extended his helping hands to the impoverished and needy people of Guntur, who had been disproportionately affected by poverty.
According to the Next Generation Save Organization, everyone has the right to a healthy, active, and dignified life. Integrating our programs and services, organizations have advanced from welfare to development and long-term sustainability for disadvantaged and marginalised populations.
Activities performed:
- “Education is essential at this time.” Every year, notebooks, pencils, and pens were supplied to impoverished students to reduce the number of departures from school. Orphans at Hostels are provided substandard nutrition.
- As soon as it was brought to his attention that the school and college lacked adequate facilities, he immediately set about arranging for new furnishings.
- To help disadvantaged children further their education, he provides them with books, pencils, and clothing every year. He also provides them with financial assistance to ensure a bright future.
- While participating in and attending school events on national holidays like Republic Day and Independence Day, Shiva Ramakrishna also distributes awards to kids who have experienced and won sports competitions at certain times of the year.
- He fought tirelessly for the establishment of a park for the benefit of the community, as well as the establishment of a hospital in the village.
- To raise public awareness of issues such as AIDS and other diseases, Shiva Ramakrishna organized a seminar and created awareness among the School Students.
Social Activities:
- He works hard to make statements against abuse, injustice, and corruption if they are discovered against any individual, class, or community in society.
- Shiva Ramakrishna organized a seminar and created awareness of the need to conform to high citizenship standards and to strive for the dissemination of nationalistic concepts among the general public.
- He is very supportive of the women’s welfare societies in the village and works hard for the growth and development of the communities.
- With the idea of protecting women who have been physically confronted by someone in the office, blackmailed, tortured or harassed by other social networks, he stepped forward to help women overcome such acts and to provide a sense of security for women in society.
- Shiva Ramakrishna is working hard for women’s rights and encouraging women to take the lead in all fields.
- Many service activities were organized, such as blankets for beggars, clothing for the needy, meals for orphaned children, and fights over the people’s problems, for the welfare of the people.
- He has provided many job opportunities to the graduated students who are being unemployed after their education.
- Shiva Ramakrishna fights for job reservation for students struggling to find a decent job after their education to lead their livelihood.
- He is fighting with the government by conducting dharnas to provide proper employment to the unemployed who are worried about getting a good job even after graduation.
- On Encouraging the youth with the articles Youth involvement in all fields is on the map of the development and the child are always taught to work for the country’s development.
- Primary Health care centres were set up in the village and provided proper health guidance to the people, and skill development centres were renovated for the students.
- Every year, on the anniversary of the birth and death anniversaries of national leaders and freedom fighters, commemorate the anniversary and express gratitude to them for their contributions to the country.
- He distributed food, clothing, and Bedsheets to the Orphan Children and provided fruits, Meals to the homes of the old age by donating a certain amount whenever required.
- Considering the health problems and harms caused by plastics, Shiva Ramakrishna has taken some initiatives against plastics and is working to permanently eliminate them.
- His full concentration is on environmental cleanliness. He went a long way in saying that cleanliness plays a vital role in one’s health and spiritual development. In addition, it is also essential for the environmental effect of our country.
- To raise public awareness of issues such as AIDS and other diseases, Shiva Ramakrishna organized a seminar and created awareness among the School Students.
- He primarily focused on problems affecting students, such as fee reimbursement and scholarship disbursements, and worked effectively to ensure that scholarships were granted to students as soon as possible.
Covid Activities:
- During Corona’s first and second waves, he offered financial and humanitarian assistance to people impacted by the lockdown. During the crisis, and responded with compassion, assisting those in need and extending further support to those who the lockdown had victimized.
- Throughout the crisis, he responded selflessly, supporting those in need and offering special attention to those afflicted by the lockdown. Face masks, hand sanitisers, and lunches were handed to the least fortunate, as well as cash assistance.
- Shiva Ramakrishna snuck towards helping those who had been devastated by the lockdown by distributing veggies and fruits to communities, the homeless, and Municipality workers according to the standard protocol.
- When the coronavirus was ultimately eradicated, villagers were sprayed with sodium hypochlorite solution to guarantee they were not exposed to any negative consequences.
- The Covid Immunization Drive was conducted in response to Prime Minister Modi’s call to raise public awareness about the need for free corona immunisation.
H.No: 11-129, Landmark: Near Chruch, Village&Mandal: Nadendla, District: Guntur, Constituency: Chilakaluripeta, State: Andhra Pradesh, Zipcode: 522234.
Recent Activities
Social Activities

పౌష్టికాహారం పంపిణీ


రోగులకు వ్యాధినిరోధక శక్తి మందులు అందజేత

వృద్దులకు కంటి పరీక్షలు చేస్తున్న శివరామకృష్ణ గారు

దుస్తుల పంపిణీ

పౌష్టికాహారం పంపిణీ

మెగా నేత్ర శిబిరం

ఉచిత మీద వైద్య శిబిరంలో భాగంగా వైద్య పరీక్షలు

ఆత్మీయ సన్మానం

హోప్ ఇన్ ఆసుపత్రి సిబ్బంది

వృదులకు ఉచిత కళ్లజోళ్లు అందజేత

ఉచిత మీద వైద్య శిబిరంలో భాగంగా
Next Generation Save Organization Activities

Various Social Activities

Newspaper Clippings


Born in Nadendla Village
in Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh
Studied SSC Standard
Completed Intermediate
Social Activist
Next Generation Save Organization