Nagaraj Prakash Jain | State Executive Member of BJP | Kurnool | A.P | the Leaders Page

Nagaraj Prakash Jain

Ex-MLA, State Executive Member of BJP, President of D.C.M.S, Chairman, BJP, Adoni, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh.


Nagaraj Prakash Jain is a State Executive Member of BJP, Andhra Pradesh. He was born on 27-04-1953 to D. Nagaraj in Adoni. In 1970, He has completed his SSC Standard from H.S.S.L.C Govt Municipal High School at Adoni. In the year 1973, he studied his B.Com(Accounts) from Arts and Science at Adoni.

Prakash working as a President of Union Hamali in Adoni. In 1977, Jain started his politics with the Congress Party and was the Incharge of the Youth Congress. He was the Town Secretary of Congress.

In the year of 1982, Prakash joined the Telugu Desam Party(TDP). In 1983, Jain was contested as a Member of the Legislative Assembly(MLA) for TDP and won the MLA Seat from Jain Community in Andhra Pradesh and from South India.

Prakash Jain elected as a Chairman for the Kurnool District Co-Operative Marketing Society from 1995-2004. Prakash Jain elected as a President of the Hamali Association in 2004, Adoni Town.

He elected for Adoni Town Hamali Association President and given Service for 40 years. He was elected as President Railway Goods Shed Hamali Association in Adoni Town.

He was elected as Convenor for the Tungabhadra Low-Level Canal-Ayacut Ryth Samrakshnana Committee of Adoni. He worked as Secretary of Adoni Cloth Merchant’s Association, Adoni, and Appointed as President of Adoni Cotton Growers Society, Adoni. He promoted as President of Mahaveer Housing Coop Society, Adoni.

From 2005-2006, He did Initiation of a hunger strike as a Convener of the Water Testing Committee, LLC. In 2008, The election campaign was conducted on behalf of the TDP election candidates Part of the BJP and TDP worked together. The BJP candidate was given the opportunity to become the chairman. He sided with NTR during the crisis in the Telugu nation and played a major role in giving Gudise Krishnamma an MLA ticket. He later resigned from the TDP for other reasons.

In Year 2014, Prakash joined the Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) under Purandhadeshwari. He went for the Election campaign to Gujarat and Rajasthan.

Prakash Jain was the State Executive Member of BJP(Bharatiya Janata Party), Andhra Pradesh.

Recent Activities: 

In 2020, conducted several service programs for the public during Pandemic COVID-19.

1. Ramadan thopa for minorities
2. Medical college demand
3. Repeated request for dialysis services in a government hospital

In 1986, he spoke to the government on the occasion of power outages in the villages and the G. Hasalla played a key role in providing electricity to the village.

He has been in public life serving the people of our state and more so in the Adoni and all its surrounding areas of Kurnool district. It was always his vision and mission to be with the people, to look after their welfare and Needs. He has dedicated himself to the people of constituency particular and the people of Andhara Pradesh and our Nation in general, irrespective of caste, creed, or religion.

A Particular issue of interest in the Adoni constituency is that there are more than 50% of the votes belonging to various minority communities like Kannada, Marathi’s, Hindi, and Urdu Speaking people. and through his past services to the people, am like one and all.

while as MLA in TDP from 1984 to 1985, he raised 15lacks cash and cloths, from Jain Community for the CM relief fund while Sri Late NT Ramarao Garu was the then CM and Helped the Needy in the TS area When Cyclone and heavy Rains caused havoc.

Constructed 1000 Pucca houses when natural climates accrued in the Divi taluq under Jain Seva Samithi. Mega “VIKALANGULA” camp was conducted by our Trust and Distributed freely Tricycles, Sticks, and Human Artificial Parts for more than 1000 Members Paraswanath Temple, at Pedda Tumbalam Village, Adoni Constituency During 2008.

As per “Amrutha Vinayaka Mandal” Have Been Conducting ” Free eyes Operations” for Five Members every month in Adoni.

He was running the Mahaveer hospital in Hyderabad as a trust for providing services to the poor people. Also, the former hon’ble president of the USA Mr. Bill Clinton visited our hospital and appreciated our efforts and services.

Jain contributed books and Scholarships, college fees for poor students in other communities for their education through Jain Seva Sangahjam, Andhra Pradesh. He was maintaining a very good report and intimacy with the people of the Adoni assembly constituency for the past 40years.

Prakash Jain wants to dedicate his life to the service of the people. His life ambition is to fight for the causes of the people. Now he wants needful time to serve as a people’s representative.

H.NO- 15/191, Hansarajpet, Adoni, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh.

Mobile: 9440251311, 9000860680
Email:[email protected]

Recent Activities

నిరాహార దీక్షలో

నిరాహార దీక్షలో నీటి పరిరక్షణ సమితి కన్వీనర్ ప్రకాష్ జైన్ గారు మరియు పార్టీ నాయకులు పాల్గొన్నారు



ఈ కార్యక్రమంలో పాల్గొన్నా Ex-MLA యన్ ప్రకాష్ జైన్ గారు మరియు బిజెపి పార్టీ నాయకులు పాల్గొన్నారు

జయంతి సందర్భంలో

అఖిల్ సినీ ఆర్కెస్ట్రా ఆధ్వర్యంలో పద్మ శ్రీ ఘటసాల 96వ జయంతిని పురస్కరించారు.ఈ కార్యక్రమంలో పాల్గొన్నా ప్రకాష్ జైన్ గారు  మరియు పార్టీ సభ్యులు.

సమస్యలను తెలుపుతున్నా

మాజీ MLA ప్రకాష్ జైన్ గారికి ఆదోనిలోని రైల్వే గూడ్స్ షెడ్ సమస్యలను తెలుపుతున్నా హమాలి యూనియన్ అసోసియేషన్ మెంబెర్స్

ఈద్ ముబారాక్

ఆదోని పట్టణ ప్రజలకు రంజాన్ పండుగ శుభాకాంక్షలు తెలుపుతున్న ప్రకాష్ జైన్ గారు

నీటి సమస్యలను

నీటి సమస్యలను తెలుసుకొని గ్రామంలో వాటర్ ట్యాంక్ ని నిర్మించి నీటి సమస్యలకు పరిష్కారం చేసినా మాన మాజీ ప్రకాష జైన్ గారు

Party Activities

MLA గా ఎన్నికైన సందర్భంలో

ప్రకాష్ జైన్ గారు MLA గా  ఎన్నికైన సందర్భంలో శుభాకాంక్షలు తెలుపుతు బాణాసంచా కలుస్తున్నా పార్టీ సభ్యులు

ఆదోని నియోజకవర్గం యొక్క సమస్యలగురించి మాట్లాడుతున్నా సందర్భంలో

నందమూరి తారక రామారావు గారిని కలిసిన సందర్భంలో

క్రికెట్ ఆటగాళ్లతో

క్రికెట్ ఆటగాళ్లతో మన మాజీ ప్రకాష్ జైన్ గారు మరియు పార్టీ సభ్యులు 

మోడీ పుట్టినరోజు సందర్బంలో

మోడీ  పుట్టినరోజు సందర్బంలో కేక్ కట్ చేస్తున్నా మన మాజీ MLA ప్రకాష జైన్ గారు మరియు పార్టీ సభ్యులు

నివాళ్లు ఆర్పిస్తున్నామాజీ ప్రకాష్ జైన్ గారు మరియు పార్టీ సభ్యులు

కలిసిన సందర్భంలో

Party Activities Videos


Born in Adoni

Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh.


SSC Standard

from H.S.S.L.C Govt Municipal High School at Adoni



B.Com(Accounts) from Arts and Science at Adoni.


President of Union Hamali

in Adoni, Andhra Pradesh.


Joined in the Congress party


Incharge of Youth Congress


Town Secretary

of Adoni from Congress Party.


Joined in the TDP



from Jain Community in Andhra Pradesh and from Adoni Constituency.



 for Kurnool District Co-Operative Marketing Society



 of Hamali Association in Adoni Town.



of Railway Goods Shed Hamali Association in Adoni.



 for Tungabhadra Low-Level Canal-Ayacut Ryth Samrakshnana Committee of Adoni



of Adoni Cloth Merchant’s Association, Adoni.



 of Adoni cotton Grower Society, Adoni



of Mahaveer Housing Coop Society, Adoni.


Joined in the BJP


Senior Leader

of BJP.


State Executive Member

 of BJP(Bharatiya Janata Party), Andhra Pradesh.