INTUC Telangana State | Telangana | the Leaders Page

INTUC Telangana State


INTUC is the trades union division of the Indian National Congress. It was established on 3 May 1947 and is a member of the International Trades Union Confederation. According to preliminary data from the Ministry of Labor, INTUC has around 3,892,010 members.

Objectives of INTUC:

  • To establish a social order in which there are no impediments to the all-round development of its members, which promotes the growth of the human personality in all its aspects, and which goes to the limit in progressively eliminating social, political, or economic exploitation and inequality, the profit motive in economic activity and social organisation, and anti-social concentration in any form.
  • To bring the industry under appropriate national ownership and management to achieve the aforementioned goals as quickly as possible.
  • To arrange society to provide full employment and the optimal use of its human and other resources.
  • Ensure the worker’s increased involvement in industry management and total control over it.
  • To advance the working class’s social, civic, and political interests to effectively and comprehensively organise all kinds of workers, including agricultural labour.
  • Direct and coordinate the associated groups’ operations.
  • To aid and coordinate the linked groups’ operations.
  • To support the creation of labour unions.
  • Nationally encourage the organisation of employees within each sector.
  • To aid in the development of Regional or State Federations or Branches.
  • To ensure rapid development of working and living circumstances, as well as the standing of employees in industry and society.
  • To secure different social security measures for employees, including suitable provisions for accidents, maternity, illness, old age, and unemployment.
  • To ensure that every worker in regular employment receives a livable wage and to enhance their level of life over time.
  • To regulate hours and other working conditions by workers’ circumstances and to guarantee the appropriate execution of laws for the protection and advancement of labour.
  • To develop equitable labour relations.
  • To resolve complaints without work stoppages by talks and conciliation, failing through arbitration or adjudication.
  • For the redress of complaints, resort to accepting alternative methods, such as strikes or another appropriate form of satyagraha, if adjudication is not applied and resolution of disputes within a reasonable period by arbitration is unavailable.
  • To make preparations for the effective, successful, and swift end of approved strikes or satyagraha.
  • To create a sense of solidarity, service, fraternity, cooperation, and mutual aid among employees.
  • To instil in the employees a feeling of industry and societal duty.
  • To improve the employees’ level of productivity and discipline.

To Achieve all the Objectives, National President Shri Swaminath Jeshwal took the Initiation and started expanding the Union by appointing the People according to their services to the people.

To maintain all the activities and perform the said tasks, Mr Swaminath appointed Sharma as the National General Secretary, and Elakachenu Saibaba as the INTUC Telangana State President to hold the responsibilities.

With unprecedented confidence in Bangari Parvathalu, the party instantaneously handed over the position of INTUC State General Secretary of Telangana and desperately carried out the duties assigned to him without ignoring the party’s trust in him.


On the 02nd of April 1986, Parvathalu was born to the couple Mr Bangari Venkatayya and Mrs Bangari Anjamma in the Village of Chegunta in Thimmajipet Mandal of Nagar Kurnool District in the Indian State of Telangana. In 2001, Parvathalu completed his Education by obtaining his SSC Standard from Zilla Parishad High School located at Bijinapalle in Nagar Kurnool District.

Activities Performed:

  • He fought hard for Higher education should be equally accessible to students from all backgrounds, including SC, ST, BC, minority, and lower-caste students.
  • He supported the farmer’s strike protesting against agricultural reform. He fought for the discounted price for the crop to farmers.
  • Parvathalu fought for the farmers against the anti-laws of the government. He fought for the farmers that the government should provide agricultural land to cultivate and survive and to give dry fertilizers.
  • Apart from providing humanitarian assistance to the flood victims, he extended his core of service to compensate the victims affected during the rainy season.
  • He supported the farmer’s strike protesting against agricultural reform. He fought for the discounted price for the crop to farmers.

“Shramik Kendra”, 4, Bhai Veer Singh Marg, New Delhi – 110 001.

Email: [email protected] 

Phone – 91 + 11 + 23747767, 23747768

Fax – 91 + 11 + 23364244

Recent Activities

Appointment Letter

INTUC రాష్ట్ర ప్రధాన కార్యదర్శి గా ఎన్నికైన మన బిజినపల్లి గ్రామ యువ నాయకుడు గౌరవ శ్రీ బంగారి పర్వతాలను సన్మానిస్తున్న డిసిసి అధ్యక్షులు మాజీ ఎమ్మెల్యే, డాక్టర్ వంశీకృష్ణ ఈ కార్యక్రమంలో కాంగ్రెస్ సీనియర్ నాయకులు బిజినపల్లి గ్రామ ఉపసర్పంచ్ మిద్దె రాములు, నెల్లికంటి గోపాల్ రెడ్డి, కత్తే ఈశ్వర్, మిద్దె సూరి పాల్గొన్నారు

Party Activities

Newspaper Clippings

