Gundepangu Ramesh | Constituency President | Kodad | Suryapet | BSP | the Leaders Page

Gundepangu Ramesh

Constituency President, Kodad, Suryapet, Telangana, BSP


Gundepangu Ramesh is an Indian Politician of BSP and Constituency President of Kodad in the Indian State of Telangana.

Early Life and Education:

On the 03rd of September 1981, Gundepangu Ramesh was born to a couple Mr. Gundepangu Lakshmaiah and Mrs: Gundepangu Venkamma resided in the village of Kodad in Suryapet District in the Indian State of Telangana.

In the year 1996, Ramesh acquired his Secondary Board of Education from Netaji Model School located at Kodad and completed his 2-year course of the intermediate from Sneha Junior College located at Kodad in Suryapet District in the year 1998.

He finished his Graduation BA (Masters of Social Work) from Jagruthi College at Suryapet in 2001 and obtained his B.Ed from Universal College at Kodad in Suryapet District in the year 2003.

And also completed his MSN from Jagruthi College at Kodad in Suryapet District.

Professional Career:

Soon after accomplishing his education, Gundepangu Ramesh started his career by Started doing as a Hospital Managing Director of Amma Hospital, and also worked as a Medical agency of Amma Agencies, and ever since he started the profession he has simultaneously handled his family responsibilities.

A career in NSF:

The procession was loud but disciplined, cheerful but determined. Young and old, women and men, marched together shouting slogans against the class-based education system, the privatization and commercialization of educational institutions, and the economic and political oppression of the poor and working classes by the military, landed and moneyed elites of the country.

He was appointed as Constituency President of NSF in the year 2002-2004.

A career in Social Life:

Gundepangu Ramesh has been used to being served since he was a teen and in the year 2004, Ramesh was appointed as District Organising Secretary of Chiranjeevi Yuvatha in the year 2004.

In the year 2016, he established a Bhujana Samaikya Sangham in the state of Telangana. Since the day of establishment, he imparted a sense of affirmation and a desire to serve the trust by constantly attempting for the well-being of society and articulating his views of service.

For the recognition of his services and honors, he has been remarked as FOUNDER & CHAIRMAN of the Bhujana Sangham.

A career in the Community:

Beginning at an early age, he had a strong desire to work for the People. Since Childhood, Ramesh has been used for servitude. In addition to his academic interests, he participated in several service activities.

In the year 2009, Ramesh Joined Spoorthy Youth Association, he was appointed as General Secretary of the Spoorthy Youth Association in Kodad in the year 2009.

Later, he was designated as President of Spoorthy Youth Association in Kodad in the year 2010.

A career in Politics:

In the year 2008, Ramesh commenced his political career by joining the Praja Rajyam Party(PRP) which was headed by Chiranjeevi. He has worked above and beyond his means as Party Activist to advance the party and improve society by performing his tasks correctly and sticking to the party’s laws and regulations.

As a part of PRP, Ramesh expressed a keen interest and performs every activity as a Party Activist by discharging his duties with a code of conduct and also for the recognition of the respective party.

Upon Joining, he was designated as the District SpokesPerson of Suryapet in 2008, to serve the people and tackle the issues raised by executing his tasks effectively and adhering to the party’s policies and guidelines.

Later, In the year 2013, Ramesh switched from PRP to Indian National Congress (INC) often called a Congress Party to attain the political requirements of the people while also providing a specific service.

As a part of INC, Ramesh express keen interest and performs every activity as a Party Activist by discharging his duties with a code of conduct and also for the recognition of the respective party.

He was designated as the Constituency Leader of Kodad from INC in the year 2013, to serve the people and tackle the issues raised by executing his tasks effectively and adhering to the party’s policies and guidelines.

In the year 2021, Ramesh switched from INC to Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) which is formed mainly to represent Bahujans ( Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Castes) with great zeal and the desire to serve the people in a better way.

His unwavering commitment and true effort gained him the position of Constituency President in Kodad in 2021 and has been constantly working for the people, thinking about their welfare, and gaining immense admiration from the people.

From the moment he was given the positions till now he has been using all his resources for the people and pursuing his happy life of public welfare and briefly outlining and following the rules and regulations for the betterment of the party as well as the welfare of the people.

Activities Performed Recently:

  • Ramesh organized twenty blood drives and gave out 6,000 blood units to unsuspecting individuals at no cost.
  • Money was donated to the families of the poor during the wedding to support their families financially. He assisted the death-affected family financially for their survival.
  • Ramesh used to arrange free funerals on behalf of the Spoorthy organization whenever someone passed away in the village.
  • Through Amma Hospital, Ramesh has generously given organs to those who are in need.

Party Activities:

  • Ramesh has been working on the idea of Dr.B.R Ambedkar and Kanshiram, and many of the party’s programs were successful under the guidance of former Telangana IPS officer R. S. Praveen Kumar, and many of the programs under their direction were successful.
  • Many party development programs were carried out in the village for the growth of the party and he respectably accepts the work assigned by the higher authorities and is completely involved to sort out the issues raised on any topics.
  • During Telangana Movement, Ramesh played an active role and fought for the separation of Telangana from Andhra Pradesh and to form Telangana as a separate State He lent great support to the Telangana Statehood Movement by providing intellectual support.
  • Ramesh is actively involved in the programs organized by the BSP. He conveyed and explained to the people the greatness of the Party all over the constituency.
  • Ramesh also carries forward organizing BSP Cader camps and holding meetings to discuss the functions and Performance of the BSP and if anyone in the village encounters any problem, Ramesh will be at the forefront of the problem.

Social & Developmental Activities:

  • Every Year On the occasion of Dr. B.R. Ambedhkar and Kansiram’s Birth and Death Anniversaries, Ramesh Celebrates the occasion by recalling the services he provided to the nation.
  • As Pension money from the government is to support old age people and the handicapped to make ends meet but circumstances related to pensions were cleared by providing pensions to the respective holders.
  • He is fulfilling his responsibilities to help the disabled in all ways in terms of organization.
  • Ramesh has performed many social activities in the village such as providing food to the Old aged and Orphan Children, Mineral water to the Villagers.
  • He carries out his responsibilities while looking after the welfare of the people living in the village and zone by clearing the issues related to Water, drainage, and every minute problem to the individual.
  • Ramesh has participated in a variety of community activities in the village, including supplying meals to the elderly and orphan children, as well as delivering mineral water to the villagers.
  • He provided financial and humanitarian assistance to the victims of fires in the villages, who had been assaulted by the fires themselves.
  • Ramesh was primarily concerned with issues about students, such as fee reimbursement and scholarship grants, and he worked tirelessly to ensure that scholarships were awarded to students as soon as possible.
  • He served the elderly and needy people in the community by supplying them with the necessities of life and by assisting them through times of financial hardship.
  • Many service activities, such as blankets for beggars, clothing for the destitute, and meals for orphaned children, were planned during the event.
  • He fights for the people’s concerns and the welfare of the people, and many of the colony’s development plans have been a resounding success as a result of his efforts.
  • In case of any problems with the land of the SC, ST, and BC people, he remained the Advocate he had acquired in his professional career and argued cases and handed over the lands to them.

Pandemic Services:

  • Ramesh came forward to help the needy who have been affected by lockdown and distributed vegetables and fruits to the villagers, needy ones, and Municipality workers by following the precautions.
  • Food item packets for drivers and migrant laborers were distributed whose livelihood has been affected during this lockdown period. Ramesh came forward with humanity to help those in dire straits during the corona and provide financial assistance to the people who are affected by the lockdown.
  • He apportioned Masks, Sanitizers, and food to the poor and also contributed to them financially.
  • To spread awareness about social distancing and following precautionary measures to prevent the Epidemic Corona an awareness program has been conducted.
  • As part of the drive to eradicate the corona epidemic, Sodium hypochlorite solution was sprayed all over the village for the safety of the village.
  • Ramesh also provided free masks and sanitizers to people with corona deficiency symptoms at the hospital.
  • Dharna was held and protests were demonstrated in support of the reopening of government and residential schools that had been shuttered as a result of the corona.

H.No: 7-138/2/B, Colony: Gandhi Nagar, Town & Mandal: Kodad, District: Suryapet, Constituency: Kodad, State: Telangana, Pincode: 508206.

Email: [email protected]

Mobile No: 9885147886, 6301919944

Bio-Data Of Mr. Gundepangu Ramesh


Gundepangu Ramesh | Constituency President | Kodad | Suryapet | BSP | the Leaders Page

Name: Gundepangu Ramesh

DOB: 03-09-1981

Father: Mr. Gundepangu Lakshmaiah

Mother: Mrs. Gundepangu Venkamma

Present Designation: Constituency President

Education Qualification: MSN

Profession: Managing Director of Amma Hospital

Permanent Address: Kodad, Suryapet, Telangana

                                                          Contact No:9885147886, 6301919944

  “A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit.”


Recent Activities

జ్యోతిరావు పూలే జయంతి

దేశ సమాజ పునర్నిర్మాణానికి జ్యోతిరావు పూలే చేసిన విశేష కృషి చిరస్మరణీయం. వారి యొక్క జయంతి సందర్బంగా పూలే గారి సేవలను స్మరించుకుంటూ ఘన నివాళి అర్పించడం జరిగింది.


Party Activities

News Paper Clippings


Born in Kodad

Suryapet, Telangana


Studied SSC Standard

From Netaji Model School located at Kodad


Completed Intermediate

From Sneha Junior College at Kodad in Suryapet District 


Finished BA (Masters of Social Work)

From Jagruthi College at Suryapet


Joined in NSF


Constituency Leader

of NSF


District Organising Secretary

 Of Chiranjeevi Yuvatha


Joined in PRP


Party Activist



District Spokesperson

Of Suryapet


General Secretary

Of Spoorthy Youth Association in Kodad



Of Spoorthy Youth Association in Kodad


Joined in INC


Party Activist



Constituency Leader

Of Kodad



Of Bhujana Samaikya Sangham.


Joined in BSP


Party Activist


2021-Till Now

Constituency President

Of Kodad