Alimineti Srisailam Charakonda | BJP Dalitha Morcha District Secretary | Nagarkurnool | the Leaders Page

Alimineti Srisailam Charakonda

BJP Dalitha Morcha District Secretary, Nagarkurnool, Telangana


Alimineti Srisailam Charakonda is an Indian politician and Social Activist of the BJP and Dalitha Morcha District Secretary of Nagarkurnool in Telangana.


On 24th April 2001, Alimineti Srisailam Charakonda was born to the couple Mr. Alimineti Venkataya and Mrs. Alimineti Venkatamma and Raised in Charakonda in the Indian State of Telangana.

In 2015, Srisailam Charakonda Completed his Secondary Board of Education from Zilla Parishad High School at Charakonda. And he Acquired his Intermediate from Government Junior College at Kalwakurthy.

Professional Life:

Soon after accomplishing his education, Srisailam Charakonda started his career by working as a Film Artist, ever since he started the profession he simultaneously handled his family responsibilities.


In 2007, Srisailam entered politics with a passion for serving the people by joining the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad(ABVP) as an Active Member to promote the right perspective on the need for holistic and sustainable development in students.

In the year 2017, Srisailam joined in Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) and turned into a politician to attain the political requirements of the people while also providing a specific service.

Srisailam takes a genuine interest in the Party and participates proactively in every activity as an Active Member executing his responsibilities following a code of conduct and for the benefit of the party’s public exposure.

Upon Joining, he was designated as the Dalitha Morcha Mandal President of Charakonda in 2017, to serve the people and tackle the issues raised by executing his tasks effectively and adhering to the party’s policies and guidelines.

His unwavering commitment and true effort gained him the position of Dalitha Morcha District Secretary in Nagarkurnool District in the year 2020 and has been constantly working for the people, thinking about their welfare, and gaining immense admiration from the people.


Srisailam is a staunch believer that every individual should engage in social work that builds a sense of patriotism in their souls and one should constantly try to influence people around them by emphasizing that one is indebted to society.

As a Social Activist, he has participated in a variety of welfare and development initiatives as well as public awareness programs for the betterment of society’s people.

In the year 2015, Srisailam joined the Vandemataram Foundation as a Member for his constant work and dedication.

Srisailam Joined Janapadam Kala Sravanti in the year 2013, he was appointed as Member in Hyderabad.

He was driven by an early desire to serve his community. As early as he can remember, Srisailam has been serving his country. He has been actively involved in community service throughout his academic career.

His continuing commitment and genuine attention earned him the position of Shruthilaya Cultural Academy Joint Secretary in Hyderabad in 2014.

Party Activities:

  • Srisailam was very helpful in campaigning for the contesting candidate during the elections and was the main reason for the candidate to win the contest.
  • He is Participating very enthusiastically during the election and briefly explained the rules of the party to every single voter and worked hard for the victory of the party.
  • He has constantly been fighting against anti-people decisions of the central and state governments and has staged many protests and dharnas.
  • He is in complete opposition to the state government repealing new agricultural laws and other beneficial elements that will serve the survival of farmers.
  • He was briefing the people on the welfare schemes introduced by the government for the upliftment of the backward classes through a mobilization Program.
  • An awareness seminar was organized on behalf of the party in the village and in the zone to brief the people on the welfare schemes, Uzwala Gas, Loans, and pamphlets were distributed to give them brief information.
  • Many District level and State level party development programs were carried out in the village for the party’s growth and organized Party Membership Programs.

Social Activities:

  • He provided moral support to the villagers and created employment for the graduated students who were unemployed after the conclusion of their education.
  • Srisailam is contrary to the state government abolishing new agricultural laws and other beneficial factors that would support farmers in their efforts to survive in the modern world.
  • His diligent efforts to improve the plight of farmers during his reign were rewarded by receiving a substantial sum in return for the commodities generated by the farmer.
  • Srisailam has participated in a variety of community activities in the village, including supplying meals to the elderly and orphan children, as well as delivering mineral water to the villagers.
  • He served the elderly and needy people in the community by supplying them with the necessities of life and by assisting them through times of financial hardship.
  • Many service activities, such as blankets for beggars, clothing for the destitute, and meals for orphaned children, were planned during the event.
  • Apart from providing humanitarian assistance to the flood victims, he extended his core of service to provide compensation to the victims who were been affected during the rainy season.
  • He fights for the people’s concerns and the welfare of the people, and many of the colony’s development plans have been a resounding success as a result of his efforts.

Pandemic Services:

  • Srisailam sneaked toward to assist people who had been affected by the lockdown by giving vegetables and fruits to villages, the homeless, and Municipality employees while following the procedures in place.
  • He helped the poor by distributing items such as masks, hand sanitizers, and food, as well as monetary assistance.
  • An awareness demonstration was performed to raise awareness about social distance and the need of taking precautionary steps in an attempt to eliminate the Corona Epidemic from occurring.
  • When the coronavirus was finally exterminated, sodium hypochlorite solution was sprayed across the whole village to ensure that the villagers were not exposed to any harmful effects.
  • The Covid Immunization Drive was organized to Prime Minister Modi’s plea to increase awareness among the general population about the need of acquiring a free corona vaccination.
  • During the pandemic, A door to door survey was organized and raised awareness about the virus covid and provided precautions to be followed.
  • During the pandemic, Carona time, the first and second waves of Carona so many people died due to a shortage of Oxygen. In Government hospitals also due to the insufficiency of oxygen cylinders, so many people lost their lives. Keeping in view of the effect, Srisailam raised his service hand and Provided Oxygen Cylinders to the Covid-affected People.

H.No: 12-59, Village&Mandal: Charakonda, District: Nagarkurnool, Constituency: Achampet, State: Telangana, Pincode: 509324.

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 95050 09695, 88868 86164

Biodata of Mr. Alimineti Srisailam Charakonda

Alimineti Srisailam Charakonda | BJP Dalitha Morcha District Secretary | Nagarkurnool | the Leaders Page

Name: Alimineti Srisailam Charakonda

DOB: 24th April 2001

Father: Mr. Alimineti Venkataya

Mother: Mrs. Alimineti Venkatamma

Education Qualification: Intermediate

Profession: Politician

Political Party: BJP

Present Designation: Dalitha Morcha District Secretary

Permanent Address: Charakonda, Nagarkurnool, Telangana.

Contact No: 95050 09695, 88868 86164

“  తోటివారితో సాధించాలనే పట్టుదలనూ… సాధించగలం అనే నమ్మకాన్ని కలగచేసేవారే అసలైన నాయకత్వం.


Recent Activities

కర్మయోగి పురస్కారం

బట్టు నర్సిరెడ్డి (కెరెంటు నర్సిరెడ్డి) గారికి కర్మయోగి పురస్కారం అందజేసిన శ్రీశైలం గారు.

వందేమాతరం ఫౌండేషన్

వందేమాతరం ఫౌండేషన్ ఫౌండర్ రవీందర్ సార్ గారితో వాళ్ల అడుగుజాడల్లో నడుస్తున్నటువంటి అలిమినాటి శ్రీశైలం చారకొండ గారు.

రక్తదాన శిబిరం

ఆచారి తల్లుజు జన్మదిన సందర్భంగా రక్తదాన శిబిరం ఏర్పాటు చేసిన అలిమినేటి శ్రీశైలం చారకొండ గారు.


ప్రజా సంగ్రామ యాత్ర

బీజేపీ ప్రజా సంగ్రామ యాత్ర లో అలిమినేటి శ్రీశైలం గారు పాల్గొనడం  జరిగింది.

రక్తదాన శిబిరం

డా.బాబు జగజ్జీవన్ రామ్ వర్థంతి

సమాజంలో అణగారిన వర్గాల సంక్షేమం కోసం అలుపెరగని కృషి చేసిన సంఘసంస్కర్త,స్వాతంత్య్ర సమరయోధులు, భారత మాజీ ఉప ప్రధాని, డా.బాబు జగజ్జీవన్ రామ్ గారి వర్థంతి సందర్భంగా బాబు జగజ్జీవన్ రామ్ గారి విగ్రహానికి పూలమాలలు వేసి నివాళులర్పించడం జరిగింది.

Srisailam with Prominent Leaders

భారతీయ జనతా పార్టీ రాష్ట్ర అధ్యక్షుడు “బండి సంజయ్ కుమార్” గారిని మర్యాదపూర్వకంగా కలవడం జరిగింది.

లయన్స్ క్లబ్ గవర్నర్  “జూలూరి రఘు” గారిని మర్యాదపూర్వకంగా కలవడం జరిగింది.

మంత్రి “శ్రీను ” గారిని మర్యాదపూర్వకంగా కలిసిన భారతీయ జనతా పార్టీ నాయకులు.

జాతీయ బీసీ కమిషన్ సభ్యులు “తల్లోజు ఆచారి” గారిని మర్యాదపూర్వకంగా కలిసిన భారతీయ జనతా పార్టీ నాయకులు.

 ఎస్ సి మోర్చా ప్రెసిడెంట్ “కొప్పు భాష” గారిని మర్యాదపూర్వకంగా కలిసిన భారతీయ జనతా పార్టీ నాయకులు.

కేంద్ర పర్యాటక సాంస్కృతిక ఈశాన్య రాష్ట్రాల అభివృద్ధి శాఖ మంత్రి“ శ్రీ గంగాపురం కిషన్ రెడ్డి ” గారిని మర్యాదపూర్వకంగా కలవడం జరిగింది

భారతీయ కవి, ఉద్యమకారుడు మరియు మాజీ నక్సలైట్ “గద్దర్‌”గా ప్రసిద్ధి చెందిన గుమ్మడి విట్టల్ రావు గారిని మర్యాదపూర్వకంగా కలిసిన అలిమినేటి శ్రీశైలం చారకొండ గారు.

ఎస్ సి మోర్చా జాతీయ అధ్యక్షుడు “ లాల్ సింగ్ ఆర్య” గారిని మర్యాదపూర్వకంగా కలిసిన అలిమినేటి శ్రీశైలం చారకొండ గారు.

బిజెపి దళిత మోర్చా నాగర్ కర్నూల్ జిల్లా అధ్యక్షులుగారిని మర్యాదపూర్వకంగా కలవడం జరిగింది. 

Party Activities

Social Activities


Born in Charakonda


Joined in ABVP


Active Member

of ABVP, Charakonda, Nagarkurnool, Telangana.


Joined in Janapadam Kala Sravanti

Since 2013


of Janapadam Kala Sravanti, Hyderabad, Telangana.


Joined in Shruthilaya Cultural Academy

Since 2014

Joint Secretary

of Shruthilaya Cultural Academy, Hyderabad, Telangana.


Completed SSC Standard

from ZPHS, Charakonda.


Joined in Vandemataram Foundation

Since 2015


of Vandemataram Foundation, Hyderbad.


Joined in BJP


Party Activist

of BJP, Charakonda, Nagarkurnool, Telangana.


Dalitha Morcha Mandal President

of BJP, Charakonda, Nagarkurnool, Telangana.

Since 2020

Dalitha Morcha District Secretary

of BJP, Charakonda, Nagarkurnool, Telangana.